Bruxism is excessive grinding or clenching of teeth when the individual is not chewing or swallowing.
Bruxism is usually a subconscious activity.Incidence of bruxism in children is 7-8%
Bruxism can be classified into 2 types:
DAY TIME BRUXISM: Is grinding of teeth during day time.It can be conscious or is more common in females.
NIGHT BRUXISM :Teeth grinding occurs during sleep. It is done subconsciously by the individual. Night bruxism is most common and is usually seen during transition from deeper sleep to light sleep.It affects males and females equally.
Occasional clenching of teeth will not cause any harm. But if it is continuous and vigorous then it will damage the teeth and surrounding structures.
Although the damage caused by night and day bruxism on teeth may be the same but the cause is different.
- Bruxism is usually associated with feeling of stress , anxiety and anger.
- Malocclusion or improper bite,missing or crooked teeth may lead to bruxism.
- Bruxism is also seen during infancy when the 1st permanent tooth is erupting. Since they do not have an opposing tnd tooth they to lacerate the opposing gum pads.
- Genetics is known to play a major role in bruxism. It is seen that if parents are bruxers chances of their children having bruxism increases.
- Individual who work in extremely competitive or stressful working environment may also have bruxism.
- Bruxism usually occurs subconsciously and its effects are not evident In early stages therefore most of the people are not even aware of their habit.
- Night bruxers complain of headache,pain in teeth and jaw especially when they wake up in the morning.
- Day bruxers
- Over a period of time bruxism leads to mobility of teeth. It is usually seen in night bruxers as they keep clenching their teeth in sleep.
- Forces of bruxism are transmitted from teeth to supporting structures(periodontium)and jaw bone. This leads to bone loss,pocket formation ,gingivitis(inflammation of gums) (show images)
- Classical sign of bruxism is that the biting/chewing surfaces of teeth are attritited or worn out
- Chronic grinding can cause fracturing or loss of teeth.
- Tenderness of jaw bone and muscle fatigue.(image)
- TMJ pain is a result of bruxism(image of tmj). Pain is usually dull and unilateral.this might lead to restricted jaw movement, deviation of jaw towards one side,clicking sound in the joint.
Treatment of bruxism
- The major reason for bruxism or teeth grinding is stress. Relaxing yourself will help you get some relief from stress. The best way to relax is to exercise .
- Also once you are aware of your grinding habit you can place your tongue upwards keeping your teeth apart and lips closed. This will not allow your teeth to meet and will help in relaxing your jaw muscles.
- Wearing a night guard is recommended. A night guard is a plastic appliance to be placed inside the mouth covering your teeth. This night guard will help in absorbing all the biting stress .this will reduce the stress that falls on the teeth and prevent attrition of teeth and headache
- Regular dental visits will help in assessing the condition of the teeth and jaw.